

Did you know that approximately 70% of all UNC students receive some form of financial aid assistance? Understanding the financial aid process is an important step toward 实现你的教育目标. 迈出接受经济援助的第一步 通过提交FAFSA. Learn more about all your options and completing your next steps 通过回顾以下信息.

The Graduate school offers various Assistantships and other forms of tuition help. The Graduate School has additional and helpful information on 研究生资助和费用


  • October 1 – FAFSA becomes available (December for the 2024-25 FAFSA aid cycle)
  • November 1 – 北卡大学奖学金申请 is available through your Ursa account
  • 6月1日- FAFSA和UNC奖学金申请截止日期
    • 申请截止日期为6月1日
  • June 15 – Accept or decline financial aid award amounts through Ursa
    • Remember, you will only have 20 days to make a decision or all aid will be forfeited
  • 9月2日——秋季学费到期
  • 提交FAFSA

    Your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will need to be submitted for 即将到来的学年获得联邦贷款. 记住FAFSA是免费的 application. Stay away from sites requesting payment for completing the application.

    要完成 FAFSA:


    Have your 联邦学生援助ID (FSA ID) ready






    Apply at fafsa.gov

    Submit the FAFSA by the June1 priority deadline to maximize your amount of aid you receive. You should use your 2022 tax information for the 2024-25 academic year. If you you have not filed your taxes for 2022, you should contact the Office of Financial Aid.

    您将收到一封来自美国的确认邮件.S. 教育部和你的 学生资助报告(SAR). 确保你的所有信息都是正确的. 如果你需要更正,你可以在网上做 www.fafsa.gov. 一定要检查你的 spam folder for your FAFSA confirmation if you do not receive 一周之内.

    Students may submit documentation of any unusual or extenuating circumstances not 反映在FAFSA. Contact the 财政援助办公室 for more information about this process. 



    As you begin the process of applying for financial aid for the academic year, the 皇冠app官方版下载财政援助办公室提供了这些建议.






  • 北卡大学奖学金申请

    The 北卡大学奖学金申请 can also be found under the Financial tab in Ursa. Use this quick and easy application to apply for UNC Foundation scholarships.


  • 检查你的熊座和熊座邮箱账户

    Ursa is your student account that will detail information such as financial aid, credit 要求和gpa. 一定要检查你的 BearMail 帐户,这是您可以查看UNC电子邮件的地方. 财政援助办公室 will send your award email and information to your BearMail account.

  • 接受或拒绝你在熊座的援助

    If you have completed all required paperwork, after the first week of March, you should 能够接受或拒绝你的奖励信.


    • 接受、审查或拒绝你的援助:
      1. 登录Ursa在Ursa.vilapoucadeaguiar.net.
      2. 选择“财务”选项卡,然后点击“查看/接受奖励优惠”."
      a. Select "Select Award Year" drop-down menu at the top right of the page to select year.
      3. Your financial aid offer is available below the "Cost of Attendance on the Award Offer."
      4. Click on the "Take Action" column and pick from the "Select" drop-down menu to 接受、拒绝或修改.
      5. If you choose to modify, you may have the option to accept both or one of the terms, 以及将金额更改为较小的值.
      6. Once you have accepted, declined or modified your aid, confirm your selection by clicking either the "Submit" or "Confirm" button at the bottom.
      a. Click the "I acknowledge these terms and conditions" button at the very bottom 条款及条件. 这将使“接受奖励”按钮变为蓝色,然后 您将能够单击以完成.
      7. 点击“主页”选项卡. 任何未完成的要求将列在此选项卡上. Outstanding requirements will need to be completed prior to aid paying out.

    • If you mistakenly accept or decline certain loans on your account and you want to 更改您的获奖信,请发送电子邮件至办公室 ofa@vilapoucadeaguiar.net with your name, Bear number and what loan and amount you want to accept or decline. 您的请求将在3-5个工作日内处理.
      NOTE: If you have NEVER borrowed Federal Direct Stafford loans with UNC before, you will 我需要在学生贷款上完成一些额外的步骤.gov such as; the Federal Direct Stafford Loan Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note (MPN).
  • 查看账单

    Your student bill can be viewed on Ursa under the “Financial” tab.  Located on the top left, the account balances for your terms at UNC can be seen; at the bottom will 是你的账户余额. 点击每个学期查看详细的学期学分列表 and payments.


  • Summer Aid

    Processing will begin April 20 for all students registered for summer classes that 有当前年度的FAFSA档案吗. 夏季援助的截止日期是7月20日. Summer aid will be accepted through Ursa under the View/Accept Award Offer tab.

  • 确定成本

    For the purposes of determining financial aid, our office follows the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE) and federal guidelines to develop an 估计,平均 cost of attendance (budget) for different student classifications (commuter/non-commuter, 本科生/研究生,居民/非居民等.).

    Budgets include estimated figures for tuition and mandatory fees as well as 估计平均 for room and board, books and supplies, transportation, and personal (miscellaneous) expenses.


  • 维护您的援助 

    warning NOTE: The deadline for Spring 2024 appeals is April 12, 2024.

    Federal regulations require that the 北科罗拉多大学 establish a policy to monitor the academic progress of students who apply for and receive financial aid. Students must be making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward their academic objective in order to maintain their eligibility for financial aid.


    The Standards for SAP and the associated policies may have changed for the next academic year. All students need to read this material carefully, and direct any questions 联系经济援助办公室,电话:970-351-4862.

    SAP Policy

    Please note: Academic Suspension appeals policy expectations differ from the Financial Aid Ineligibility 上诉政策和有一个单独的申请程序. 查看学术上诉说明.


    If you receive notification that you are 没有资格申请资助, you cannot to receive 通过皇冠app官方版下载提供财政援助. 没有资格获得援助并不妨碍你注册 在皇冠app官方版下载,但你要负责所有的费用. 无被选资格仍 in effect unless overturned by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. 如果你在学术上 suspended and then are readmitted to the university, you must still appeal your financial 援助不合宜. If financial assistance is received and you were not eligible for 如果需要立即偿还这笔援助. 全额退款/还款 Policy may be obtained upon request from the 财政援助办公室.