

research day
The UNC 研究生会 congratulates the following graduate students 在皇冠app官方版下载2019年研究日上赢得各自类别的奖项.

Melonie Bryant, "A Sip of “Lemonade”: A Critical Analysis of Beyoncé’s Lemonade Album Through the 黑人生命很重要的镜头

Anna Freundlich, "Impacts of Spruce Beetle Disturbance on Macrolichen Communities in Northwestern Colorado"

Luke Krynski, "Cancer Survivor Muscular Strength Comparison to Apparently Healthy Population Normative Data"

Brian Fowler, "Wage dispersion and team performance: An investigation of the National Basketball Association"

女士巴特尔米, Melissa Moore and Kofi Wagya, "Adverse Childhood Experiences and Outcomes on Adult 身心健康"

See the 完整的决赛名单在这里

皇冠app官方版下载战略皇冠app官方版下载 & 学生成功计划
Over the course of 14 weeks Huron partnered with the Strategic Enrollment and Student Success (SESS) Steering Committee members to complete the SESS Plan for UNC. Huron gathered insights from over 70 UNC faculty, staff, and administrative leaders, as 还有20名学生和51名利益相关者. 皇冠app官方版下载和学生成功的愿景 summarizes the vision that UNC collectively aspires to live out:

UNC leverages its teacher/scholar model and integrated network of coaching and support resources to attract and Enrollment and Student Success Vision: provide students with the education, experiences and opportunities they need to succeed and achieve their 想要的结果.

See the entire 战略皇冠app官方版下载和学生成功的演讲在这里

Congratulations to the following student who attended events during Graduate Student 感恩周! 如果您在GSAW期间参加了活动,请继续查看 GSA newsletter and GSA Facebook 看看你是不是赢家!

Emily Fiola

Please come to the GSA office in the Graduate School (Carter Hall, room 2007) before 5 p.m. 于2019年5月8日领取奖品!

Grad Student vs. 学院篮球赛结果
Big thanks to Bryson Kelly (SES:体育社会心理学.S.),感谢你帮助组织了这次首届篮球赛 game. The graduate student team was victorious over the no-show faculty team this year! Grad students ended up playing a game against each other and competing in a 蓝牙立体声系统的罚球比赛!

毕业代表队运动员: Brynn Cox, Bryson Kelly, Fisayo Awolaja, Kendrick Johnson, Kennidi Cobbley, Kevin Imhoff, Lucas Wilber, Rico Montoya和Seth Baskett.

谢谢索菲亚的记分和 Brynn Cox 安排了法庭预订! 下一集《皇冠app安卓下载安装》再见. Faculty 2019年秋季比赛.

作者:Matthew Kushar, unbears.com
德克萨斯州欧文市—— Rico Montoya may have wrestled his last collegiate match, but he still is making history for Northern Colorado. Montoya was named the 2019 Big 12 Wrestling Scholar-Athlete of the Year, 这是该项目历史上第一个获奖者.

“首先,我真的为他感到骄傲。. 他一直是理想的学生运动员。” 主教练特洛伊·尼克森说. “他真的帮助这个项目进入了下一个阶段 以不同的方式进行关卡设置. 最重要的途径是通过他的学术. Rico graduated with his undergrad [degree] in three years and he has one more semester after his eligibility to finish up his masters program and go away with a 4.0 in grad school. 他正在为自己的美好未来做准备." 

在他的大四赛季,蒙托亚获得了4分.在攻读硕士学位期间,他的平均绩点达到了100分 体育管理学位. 蒙托亚下个月将获得硕士学位 并且已经获得了公共服务学士学位.

Earlier this year, Montoya was named to the All-Big 12 first team and was one of 四名摔跤手获得4分.0在会议上. 随着会议学术 蒙托亚是两届NWCA全学术团队的获奖者.

Montoya qualified for the NCAA Championship's for the third-consecutive season after 体重下降到125磅. 他还在12大锦标赛中获得第六名 也是连续第三年.

During his final year at UNC, Montoya became the first Southern Scuffle finalist in program history and had a 16-11 overall record in the 2018-19 season. 蒙托亚完成 职业生涯78胜.

"I think our entire team has bought into the student-athlete experience," Nickerson added. "We really sell [academics] a lot in the recruiting process and the kids coming 都是皇冠app安卓下载安装它的. 你可以从我们团队的平均绩点和学生的类型中看到这一点 this program. 他们过着正确的生活方式,做着正确的事情. I think when you're doing the right things outside of the wrestling room; it makes it easier to 在摔跤室做正确的事. 我们继续发展,这是令人兴奋的 to see."

Along with wrestling, the Big 12 handed out scholar athlete of the year awards to men's and women's basketball, equestrian and gymnastics, along with men's and women's 游泳和潜水.

The Big 12 Conference established its Scholar-Athlete of the Year Award in 2012-13. 每个会议赞助的体育项目中都有一名获奖者. 12大机构 nominates one individual per sport with the winners selected by a vote of the league head coaches for that sport, who are not allowed to vote for their own student-athletes. Scholar-Athlete of the Year nominees must be a junior or senior (athletic and academic 站立),累积平均绩点为3.20或以上,参加 at least 20 percent of the team's scheduled contests and have a minimum of one year 住在该机构.

保持最新与北科罗拉多摔跤访问 UNCBears.com 并在推特上关注该团队 @UNCBearsWrestle

Friday, June 14
8:30 a.m.
Join Anthony Azari and 伊丽莎白Shmikler 在下次定期召开的理事会会议上.

教师的研究 & 出版委员会报告
FRPB Website
GSA FRPB代表的FRPB会议报告 Michelle Morgan 数学教育博士.D):

On April 8, the 教师的研究 and Publication Board met to review and make funding decisions regarding the UNCO Research, Dissemination and Faculty Development Program. This program provides monetary support for faculty for scholarship and professional activities related to developing as teachers, researchers, scholars and artists. Faculty must submit a detailed proposal which outlines the significance of their project to the field and the university as well as their proposed budget and timeline. 作为参与者 at the meeting, it was refreshing to see how the faculty are held to the same standard of rigor that we, as graduate students, are held to when it comes to requesting GSA grant funding. At this meeting, the board voted to fund approximately 15 faculty research and scholarly projects with a total monetary grant of approximately $80,000 which 包括艺术、人文和科学方面的项目. 许多这些项目包括 部分资助本科生和研究生导师.

If you have any questions or would like additional information about the 教师的研究 & ,请电邮 Michelle.Morgan@vilapoucadeaguiar.net 

Stipend: $500 per mentee student (typically $1,000 for the summer)

UNCO’s Frontiers of Science Institute (FSI) is a privately funded, six-week, summer residential program designed to enhance STEM aspiration and achievement levels of 科罗拉多州成绩优异的高三学生. 通过浸入选定的学生 scholars in a learning-for-the-thrill-of-learning, hands-on STEM experience, FSI helps students identify and explore their interests so they can define and begin to realize 他们的个人、教育和职业目标. 要申请,请发送电子邮件至 lori.ball@vilapoucadeaguiar.net with your mentoring interest, paragraph description of your research and resume. You can also stop by Ross Hall, room 1210, or call (970) 351-2976 for more information.

向GSA时事通讯提交您的皇冠app安卓下载安装! GSA主管 David.Shimokawa@vilapoucadeaguiar.net